For our ident, we decided that it would be best to design a moving image, not only to demonstrate the time and effort that our team are willing to put in to impress our audience, but also the creativity which lies in the hands of our group members. This ident was created after we had decided upon the titles which we would include in our Opening Sequence, as we would need a Production Company to represent as.
To have the Production Company name presented in this way is very clever, as it draws the audiences’ attention to it, due to the fact that is moving. In addition to this, the fact that the continuity editing is so slow, particularly at this time in which the train goes around the crafted name, the audience will be able to consume the content and therefore remember the company.
The fact that the company is also closely linked with rollercoasters, hence the name, connotes that it will be remembered a lot easier as it has something in common with the ride.
To finish off the design, we added the non-diegetic, synchronous music to go along with the motion of the coaster, as we believed that this would further captivate the audience when it is being presented.

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